Download Computer Graphics Lab Practicals, ( IT, 6th Sem.)

Computer Graphics Lab practicals cover the following programs:-   
  1. Write a program to implement DDA line drawing algorithm.
  2. Write a program to implement Bresenham’s line drawing algorithm.
  3. Implement the Bresenham’s circle drawing algorithm.
  4. Write a program to draw a decagon whose all vertices are connected with every other vertex using lines.
  5. Write a program to show a ship moving using the concepts of 2-D transformations.
  6. Write a program to show a ball moving on the screen according to the given requirements.
  7. Write a program to implement the midpoint circle drawing algorithm.
  8. Write a program to implement the Beizer curve.
  9. Implement the line clipping algorithm using C.
    • a)Cohen Sutherland algorithm
    • b)Liang Barskey algorithm
   10. Implement boundary fill algorithm using C.

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