Since Google changes its algorithm from time to time, it can be an ongoing challenge to find the road to lasting results from your SEO efforts. Fortunately, Search Engine Watch has a few areas to focus on that should provide a long lasting impact on your search engine optimization.
1. Branding
It’s important that you keep your branding in mind when you work on SEO, just like you would when picking out WordPress templates. Search engines in the future will continue to learn to favor well-branded content that matches results, as opposed to pages that are simply loaded up with keywords.
As a result, it’s important that you have a local impact and create a brand that is more and more recognizable. This can be done through charity work, community involvement and giveaways.
2. Be User Friendly
When visitors come to your site, make sure that they get what they came for and have a good experience. If they get what they are looking for, they’ll be more and more likely to return to your site. That, along with the length of their stay, will likely provide a larger and larger impact on search engine optimization in the future. That’s because search engines are trying to emphasize quality.
Try to do user research and perform split testing to make sure that users are using your website effectively. Maximize your conversion rate, as this will link to customers who got what they were looking for.
3. Preserve Old URLs
Finally, keep in mind that search engine optimization has a lot to do with building up a history. As a result, old URLs will rank better than new ones. In other words, you should avoid getting rid of old URLs at all costs. You can change the content on a particular page, but keep the URL the same.
This will allowed you to build up strength in search rankings over time, and it will allow you to keep collecting on the impact of past search engine optimization efforts. Otherwise you may find yourself pouring more and more money into search engine optimization without the results to keep up.
Of course, search engine optimization is an ongoing process and building up the kind of power in the rankings that can last a long time takes time. You shouldn’t expect results to come overnight, but you should start using the above advice to your advantage.